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HEUREKA Ambiente Srl



Heureka Ambiente Srl 是一家创新技术型初创企业,专注于环境保护的智能与创新解决方案。我司解决方案的主要针对领域为防溅撒安全系统自动化以及诸如湖泊、江河、地下水等环境污染物的意外泄漏安全系统自动化…. 所谓新兴初创企业,Heureka Ambiente已经赢得了意大利主管部门的各类奖项。
成立时间: 2015


There are several application, as for example: canals, docks and harbours, hydrocarbons depot water drains, industrial water drain such in refineries or petrochemical plants, gas station water drains, API oil separator, Sewage and piping. The SAMIS system guarantees a rapid activation time since it is completely automatic and already located next to sensitive areas and it reduces the permanence of workers within areas that are made unsafe due to the substances released. This system can be used in all industrial plants that are located close to water bodies such as canals, rivers, lakes, ports and it is adaptable to any structure and location of application. SAMIS system offers the following advantages: Immediate identification of environmental accidents (spill), Response times reduction after environmental accidents, Operator exposure reduction to toxic and flammable substances, Recovery of liquid contaminants dispersed after accidental event, Remediation cost reduction after environmental accidents, Insurance premium reduction for environmental liabilities, Operating costs reduction for API separators.


Heureka Ambiente是创办于2015年的创新技术型初创企业。公司开发了专利式系统SAMIS - Sistema Automatico di Messa In Sicurezza(环境应急响应自动化系统)。该系统工作原理为限制并自动即时回收意外泄漏的有毒易燃危险液体。系统原型机的开发耗时一年左右。目前该系统共有两种不同配置。第一种目前已在西西里油田实现成功安装。SAMIS系统安装在监测井内部,可收集并记录地下水质以及污染物存在情况等连续信息。一旦检测到污染物(如碳氢化合物),则SAMIS会启动警报程序并开始执行安全措施。该系统还是防漏油应急响应授权计划中的组成部分用于申请政府的碳氢化合物的开采与生产许可。第二种配置目前正在灌溉渠内建造中用于管线的漏油防控。该系统将取代撇沫系统并使用真空槽车用于定期抽水,每月可节省50.000,00 €的OPEX。系统还将保证潜在泄漏的积极防护并提高工作人员经营活动和环境的安全性。




地址: Via Macanno 38
邮编: 47923
联系人: Dr. Gabriele Palmieri
电话: +393480018723
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网址: www.heurekambiente.it