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Full Profile (English) 完整资料(英文)

The NERON units are high pressure washers, hydraulic driven, suitable for any mobile application. Very small, compact and versatile unit, easy to install, powerful is the unique pump worldwide.
Because of its extremely small dimensions and the fact that it is easy to handle and connect, the Neròn pump is particularly suitable to be installed on sweepers, equipped vans, tractors, mini excavators, dozers, concrete trucks, concrete pumps, roadwork machines, overhead platforms, fire fighting vehicles, vessels and fishing boats for any kind of cleaning job in high pressure, sand blasting, hydro demolition, firefighting etc.
The fluid to pump (water, salted water, glycol, chemical products etc.) circulates in the front section of the pump; it can be sucked from a tank or from any distribution network, enters from the port Q2 and, pushed by the pistons, goes out from the port P2.
Because of its extremely small dimensions and the fact that it is easy to handle and connect, this series is particularly suitable to be installed on sweepers, equipped vans, tractors, mini excavators, dozers, concrete trucks, concrete pumps, roadwork machines, overhead platforms, fire fighting vehicles, vessels and fishing boats for any kind of cleaning job in high pressure, sand blasting, hydro demolition, firefighting etc.
The construction materials, all absolutely corrosion resistant, and the special seals make these pumps suitable for use also with hot water (up to 160 °F), with salted water and in presence of aggressive chemical agents.
All the pumps are equipped with a series of safety valves that guarantee an easy, riskless and extremely reliable use.
The power of the oleodynamic installation is transformed, with a continuous flow, substantially with no pulsations, into an equivalent power on the circuit of the fluid to pump.
Depending on the models it is possible to have different ratios between the inlet/outlet pressure and flow, increasing one or the other according to the working needs.
This series of pumps in the two versions HWB (up to 3.700 psi for professional uses) and HPP (up to 6.650 psi for heavy duty applications) solves all the problems related to the technology of the high pressure water.




Full Profile (Chinese) 完整资料(中文)

所有结构材料均采用绝对防腐技术,特殊密封处理让泵机适合在热水(最高160 °F)、盐水以及腐蚀性化学品环境内工作使用。
该系列泵机产品共分两种版本:HWB(最高3.700 psi压强的专业应用)和HPP(最高6.650压强的重型应用),完全能够解决高压水方面的所有技术相关问题。




Business Registration Number 统一社会信用代码





Year of establishment 成立时间





Annual turnover 年营业额 (EUR)

1000000 - 2000000




Number of employees 员工人数

0 - 9




Contact person 联系人

Bertocchi Annamaria




Phone number 电话

+39 0355290389




Address 地址





Zip code 邮政编码





Country 国





Website 网站
