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ECOFAST Italia Srl

Keywords: Kitchen Food Waste

Company Profile

Innovative small enterprise. We design and manufacture machine and equipment to process and dewaterer food waste in residential building and catering establishments.
  • Year of foundation: 1998
  • Number of employees: 5
  • Annual Turnover: 1Million EUR

Innovative Solution/Technology

Dewater apparatuses which reduce the food waste in volume by 80% and in weight by 50%.

Case Study

1. Dewatering technology for food waste
DEHYDRA is a stand-alone system to dewater the Kitchen Food Waste on-site (such as in restaurants, hotles, residential buildings). The Dehydra dewaterers reduce the volume of the kitchen waste by 80%, its mass by up to 60%, as well as its fermentability. Other indirect benefits are: less large vehicles on site, less noises from collections, less requirements for pest control, less odours. The liquid freed by the dewaterer process is fed directly to drain as “gray water” (Certificate released by SIMAU Department – Polytechnic University of Marche).

2. REWISER: the on-site food waste solution for high rising buildings
REWISER is at final stage in South Korea. The 5-years project has been engineered to collect food waste in the high rising buildings of a new block of 634 apartments in Incheon. A network of 2° generation food waste disposers, installed in the kitchen of each single apartment, is connected to a centralized collecting unit made up by a temporary storing tank + 1 or 2 dewaterers + a drier machine. All the food waste is now processed, dewatered and dried on site (volume reduction up to 95%) and, instead of heading for landfill disposal, the building ground area is benefitting with the very best quality of rich food waste compost.
The implementation of these technologies on large scale required a B2B approach with Municipalities and Public-Utility companies.

Type of Collaboration

Joint venture, licensing, distributor (export partner)


Add: Piazza Franco Martelli,5 Milano
Postal Code: 20162
Contact person: Davide Mara
Tel: 0039 0266111618/0039 3393241447
Email: Davide. Mara @Ecofast.eu
Website: www.ecofast.eu

IE Expo 2017;