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About us

Who we are

EEGEX is an Italian Scientific and Trade Association, whose statutory purpose is to promote the international cooperation and exchange of technologies and knowledge in Environment and Energy industries.

What we do

EEGEX helps all the interested Organizations (Companies, Research Facilities, Universities, Public Administrations and Agencies, ect.) to establish and develop relations with potential partners, aimed to start up and manage initiatives of cooperation, technology and knowledge transfer and business opportunities.

How we work

We establish relationships and sign cooperation agreements with Public and Private Organizations, with which we share purposes and goals, we also get official accreditation by Public Administrations, all to prepare a platform of services to assist who seeks our help and to establish complex work Programmes.

Our Programmes aim to

  • establish contacts and relationships with local Public Administrations and Agencies
  • attend tradeshows, meetings and business matchmaking sessions
  • arrange exchanges of business and institutional delegations
  • organize demonstration activities and projects
  • arrange training and education


  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Address: Via Claudio Monteverdi, 11 - 30174 Venice - Italy