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Keywords: air pollution monitoring

Company Profile

Technology start-up in the field of air pollution. ENVINT has been established by Prof. Allegrini, advisor of the Sino-Italian Cooperation Program for Environmental Protection for technology projects such as the air monitoring for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and responsible for other projects dealing with air pollution in several Chinese cities.
Activity includes monitoring of air quality, analysis of air pollution data, planning monitoring campaigns also using newly developed passive samplers and advanced sensors for gaseous pollutants and fine particles (PM2,5) in ambient and indoor environment. High level technical and scientific training on the physic-chemical processes relevant to atmospheric pollution and technical issues relevant to pollution monitoring is also included. Consultancy on the development of legislation, drafting of scientific and technical reports on air pollution control and emission sources in the civil and industrial use are relevant parts of Company activity. The company operates in cooperation and collaboration with leading experts and companies.
Firstly established in 2008 as consultancy company, it is now engaged as technology “startupper”.

Innovative Solution/Technology

Innovative passive samplers and samplers for field use.Samplers for Denuders and fine particles.Optical sensors for particulate matter.
Technologies suitable for saturation monitoring where a high number of low cost samplers are used . Characterization of chemical composition of PM2,5 (Soluble ions, EC, OC, metals)

Case Study

Although several case studies might be reported, the work carried out in Suzhou, Lanzhou and Urumqi demonstrated that passive sampling was able to characterise air pollution in several locations. Thanks to the relatively high number of collected species, data have been statistically interpreted in terms of concentration distributions in order to define the site’s environmental classifications such as, for example, urban background, industrial locations, traffic oriented sties etc. These figures were very useful for planning fixed stations locations in designing the automatic monitoring network and to complement fixed stations data to increase the space resolution of pollutants concentrations, allowing accurate maps of pollution distribution. The work included data on Sulphur Dioxides, Nitrogen Oxides, Ammonia, Benzene and other VOC, Ozone and Amonia, thus including most of precursors for PM2,5 pollution. In this way, a very useful picture of air pollution in those cities have been gathered at a reasonable low cost.

Type of Collaboration

Dissemination and distribution of technologies (equipment and instruments) in China.


Add: Via Paradiso 65/A Montopoli di Sabina (RI)
Postal Code: 02034
Contact person: Ivo Allegrini
Tel: +39 0765423560/+39 335462208
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.envint.it

IE Expo 2017;, CIEPEC 2017