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Keywords: solar panels, alkaline batteries, electrical & electronic equipment, and CRT funnel glass collection and management

Company profile

Hellatron Recycling division is an Italian company active on the development and distribution of innovative environment and recycling technology solutions.
The range of our solutions involves several waste streams such as solid urban, solar panels, alkaline batteries, electrical & electronic equipment in general and Industrial air emissions.
Our technologies are focused in optimizing the resources available, transforming a “problem” into an “opportunity”.
Year of foundation: 1994
Number of employees: 30
Annual Turnover: 26 million EUR

Innovative solution/technology

Lead extraction from the CRT TVs/Monitors glass
It is the first proven technology in the world ables to succeed in extracting all the lead contained in the CRT funnel glass with a cold-hydrometallurgical process.
This unique process, ensure the full recovery of the lead inside the CRT that is becoming an important challenge to achieve the required recycling rates and the needed environmental performance.
With our Lead Recovery Technology, we are able to transform a problem, the CRT lead glass, into 3 valuable raw materials: Lead, Soluble silicates, Insoluble silicates.

Municipal Waste Treatment
Such technology permits to treat Municipal Solid Waste, as it arrives from the households (municipal waste collection) transforming it into a Secondary Solid Fuel of unique characteristics with extremely high burning power and small grain size utilizing. The process utilizes a unique Chain Mill Shredder, called “Rocket” that allows the process to achieve better results in comparison to traditional technologies to produced Secondary Solid Fuel.
The key advantages of our process in relation to traditional technologies to treat Municipal Solid Waste are:
  • Simple and reliable technology able to handle all the unsorted waste as it is;
  • One single grinding step without cutting knives;
  • Lower investment and maintenance costs over the time;
  • Output material of a superior and constant burning power compared to traditional SSF;
  • Capacity to replace coal up to 90% in key combustion processes (i.e.: cement production and production of energy in power plants);
Lead extraction from the CRT TVs/Monitors glass
  • Complete material recovery – no utilization of landfill, no waste;
  • Environmental friendly process with no emissions;
  • Completely automated process;
  • Flexible process capable of recover lead from other lead contained glass.
Municipal Waste Treatment
  • Improved emission to the atmosphere during the combustion process compared to traditional process utilizing coal/carbon fossil;
  • No need to utilize landfills.

Case Study

CRT glass represents in average 50% of a TV’s weight. It is basically composed of panel barium-based glass and funnel glass which contains around 20% of lead. Key stakeholders recognize the need for an innovative technology to recycle CRT lead glass avoiding to send such material to landfill. The CRT Lead Glass Recycling Plant is designed to treat up to 400 kg/hour of ground lead glass coming from Televisions, Monitors and CRT glass from pre-treatment. Lead glass is processed in batches by a cold hydrometallurgical process. Each batch treats about 1.800 kg of ground lead glass every 4 hours. The main reagent used in the process is a sodium hydroxide solution. The materials generated by the process are: metallic lead (about 299 kg per batch), sodium-potassium silicate (about 4.816 kg) and insoluble silicates (about 1.700 kg). The lead glass recycling challenge concerns not only CRTs, but also the “traditional” Glass recycling industry since a part of the “normal” household glass has a portion of glass that contains more than 30% of lead. The economic results of the plant are mainly influenced by the valorization of the materials generated from the treatment process. Given an investment of € 3.300 K, operational costs equal to € 1.205 K and revenues ranging from € 2.871 K under a case base scenario to € 9.079 K under a optimistic case base scenario, the EBITDA ranges from € 1.665 K (with a payback time of 2 years) to € 7.874 K (with a payback time of 5 months).

Type of Collaboration

Export, licensing


Add: Via Alberto Mario 65
Postal Code: 20149
Contact person: Alexandre Comino
Tel: +39 02 9976011
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: http://www.hellatron-recycling.it

IE Expo 2017;