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I.T.T. Srl

Keywords: recycling of different kinds of materials

Company profile

I.T.T. Srl is an Italian Limited Company operating in the designing and commissioning of depolluting plants for different kind of materials in order to recycle them.
Our company born in 2015 by merging shareholders’ experiences in treatments, mechanics, plants construction and controls, with several installations already available in Italy and abroad.
Year of foundation: 2015
Number of employees: 200

Innovative solution/technology

treatment to contaminated soil
I.T.T. offers 3 main product lines to desorb pollutant (usually hydrocarbons, oils, PCB) from soils or sludge for their next reuse; pollutants neutralization for recycling; soil washing and selection, concentrating pollutants in the fine fraction of it (filler).

Type of Collaboration

Export, licensing


Postal Code: 06135
Contact person: GALLETTI LUCA
Tel: +39075592101; +393487813282
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.itt-srl.com

IE Expo 2017;