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Keywords: wastetreatment and Converter disinfection

Company Profile

OMPECO SRL is a young Italian company proprietary of an innovative international patent for the treatment of waste. thanks to our technology, you can dispose and sterilize the waste where it is produced. Year of foundation: 2014
Number of employees: 14
Annual Turnover: 4 Million EUR

Innovative Solution/Technology

Converter process is based on the transformation of mechanical energy into thermal energy without use of pressure and it easily reaches temperature of 151℃. Converter doesn’t generate any kind of pollution assuring a clean working environment and it is user friendly. Converter technology have different applications:
Converter H series sterilizes hazardous hospital waste of various hospitals, laboratories and clinics. Big Industrial Converter models are appropriate for big Waste Treatment centers
Converter MO series treat different kind of solid urban waste and they are good to be placed in the municipalities, sevice centers, farms, airports, harbors, islands, offices and restaurants.
Converter NV series treat the same solid urban waste but on board of a ship. It is designed with RINA standards, Converter NV series are suitable for cargo ships, fishing boats, yachts, cruise ships, military boats, off shore platforms
After Converter treatment the processed waste is classified as Refuse Derived Fuel (Europe code 19.12.10)

Case Study

Italian company OMPECO is a manufacturer of Waste Treatment technology called CONVERTER. Converter machines shred waste into finest fluff and evaporate all the humidity from the waste. The technology is friendly for the environment. Converter can be used for municipal, hospital and naval waste with the advantage of reducing initial volume of the waste by 70% and weight by 40%. Final material is inert, without smell and bacteria. Converter gamma presents 6 different sizes of the machines (100liters, 200 liters, 400 liters, 1000liters, 2000 liters, 5000liters).
Examples of application:
Converter 200H with the capacity of 35kh/h was placed inside the 150 bed hospital in Moscow to sterilize 250 kg daily hospital waste (EWC code 180103 “Body parts and organs including blood bags and blood preserves”, EWC Code 180202 “Wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in order to prevent infection”) right where it is produced turning hospital waste into EWC code 20.03.01 “mixed municipal waste”. The cost of treatment is approx 0,4€/kg, which is 50% less than the waste collection service. The sterilization is achieved with moist heat sterilization method
Converter NV100 is perfect solution for military ships to treat the waste created on board by 35 persons staff. A Military School Ship “Vespucci” hosts this Converter model. The treated waste is vacuumed and stored on board for 3 months. No fridges use on board, space saving and avoiding from bad smells.
Converters saves waste miles – logistic cost, saves the environment from the pollution, prevents landfills creation and achieves 0% landfill goal. This technology is already installed in more than 20 countries.

Type of Collaboration



Add: via Cavalieri del Lavoro 16
Postal Code: 10024
Contact person: Oksana Smirnova
Tel: +393470132223/+8613916694888
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.ompeco.com

IE Expo 2017;