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Keywords: waste collection, Electronic tracking and recognition

Company profile

Set up in 2001 as a trade company specialized in selling electronic components, in 2003 Partitalia entered the in rfidindustry through the personalization and distribution of smart cards. After a very fast company growth, started in 2007 in the development and manufacturing of its own RFID readers. Within the last years Partitalia has gained more and more experience in developing RFID hardware for waste management application, becoming actually one of the most referenced and specialized RFID hardware providers for waste identification, with specific dedicated products. Other branches of activities are IoT, Car Parking and Industry Automation.
Year of foundation: 2001
Number of employees: 10
Annual Turnover: 3,360,000 EUR

Innovative Solution/Technology

P-WASTE is a solution that allows to municipal utilities and municipal service companies to collect information about waste collection based on RFID technology. This solution is composed of: a wearable RFID reader and high degree IP protection reader to install on trucks which, using GPRS and GPS interface, can download all data through a cloud server.
Encourage recycling through the application of the Pay-As-You-Throw rate to the citizen.
Enable and encourage efficient waste management by empowering the citizen.
Simplify and allow the process of datas collection, identification and geo-positioning. This permits to identify critical areas or utilities and analyse the waste collection efficiency.

Type of Collaboration

Export ,system integrator ,commercial agency, distribution & joint venture.


Add: Via Varese , 26, Lainate
Postal Code: 20020
Contact person: Luca Del Col Balletto
Tel: +39 029393051/+39 3480802458
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.partitalia.com

IE Expo 2017;