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Key words: waste sorting and recyling

Company Profile

Revet SPA collects, selects and prepares for recycling 160,000 tonnes of material (plastics, aluminium, steel, glass, tetrapak) for year, separately collected by 90% of the Tuscan population. Year of foundation: 1986
Number of employees: 200
Annual Turnover: > 25 Million EUR

Innovative Solution/Technology

Revet Recycling is a manufacturing company fondend by Revet in 2012 which manages the recycling of mixed plastics through a new granules production plant. The granules feature technical charaxcteristc comparable to virgins polymers, and therefore they can be coloured and coumpounded and are suitable for inject on moulding, also for high-end parts.
Revet recycling brings back in the industry critical masterials streams (which are commonly destined to energy recovery) subtracting the same quantity of virgin raw materials to financial speculations

Type of Collaboration

Seekeing Importers of Recycled Plastic Granules


Add: viale america 104, pontedera (PI)
Postal Code: 56025
Contact person: DIEGO BARSOTTI
Tel: +393420360995
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.revet.com/www.revet-recycling.com

IE Expo 2017;