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Key words: soil and water remediation, hydrogeological rish and instability and coastal erosion and potection

Company Profile

REMTECH EXPO(www.remtechexpo.com), the most important Italian trade show for soil pollution remediation rechnologies, including water remediation, hydrogeological rish and instability and coastal erosion and potection. Remtech Expo involoves Italian and European Companies, Professionals, Trade Associations, NGOs, Public Administrations, Universities and Institutions, which have the opportunity to acquire and to promote some of the most innovative knowledge and technologies.
Year of foundation: 2006

Type of Collaboration

Enter in contact with Chinese companies and joint venture for Remtech companies exhibitors


Add/地址:Via della Fiera 11, Ferrara
Postal Code/邮编:44124
Contact person/联系人:Patrizia Bianconi
Tel/电话:+39 0532 909495/+39 345 2911068
Email/邮箱:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

zhejiang, IE Expo 2017;, CIEPEC 2017