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Full Profile (English) 完整资料(英文)

Biosearch Ambiente was established in 2001 at the Environment Park of Turin, Italy. We offer solutions for the remediation of contaminated sites, based on bioremediation technologies that offer excellent results, high economic sustainability and low environmental impact. The bioremediation approach is a relatively simple yet powerful tool that works by optimizing and exploiting the natural biodegradation processes of pollutants carried out by microorganisms living in the environment. It  is an environmentally sustainable technology because it does not generate waste, instead allowing for the recovery of the treated matrix, which is returned to its vital functions. No waste transportation and landfill fees means a further significant reduction of the remediation cost, compared to other non biological systems.  
Our technology is effective in the remediation of some of the most diffused toxic contaminants: it has demonstrated to be particularly suitable for the in-situ clean up of hexavalent chromium, petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents and MTBE. The remediation can normally be operated without interrupting the production process in the industrial site.
Our approach is site-specific: the intervention is defined starting from microcosm tests carried out in our microbiology laboratory and with specific field tests. The results obtained with the preliminary tests are then translated to the full-scale intervention according to the client needs and in full compliance with state laws and regulations.
Our highly experienced and dedicated team of professionals aims at offering the best remediation service; we constantly invest in research, thus improving our technologies portfolio and developing new methods of intervention. Research and development activities are carried out in our environmental microbiology lab and also in collaboration with like-minded companies and public research institutions. Biosearch Ambiente is recognised by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research  and is listed in the National Research Registry (research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering).




Full Profile (Chinese) 完整资料(中文)

Biosearch Ambiente 于2001年在意大利都灵的环境园成立。我们运用生物修复技术,为污染区域提供高质量,经济可持续和低污染的整体解决方案。该生物修复技术相对简单但是非常成熟有效,它通过对污染物在微生物环境中自然生物降解的过程进行优化和开发,来进行区域修复。而且该技术非常环保,因为它并不会产生废料,相反,它是通过对处理过的基质进行修复后,来还原其本质的功能。相比其他非生物系统的污染修复技术,此方案无额外的废料运输和填埋,意味着更有效的节约成本。



我们富有多年相关经验的专家团队,致力于提供最好修护方案服务。我们持续专业地在该领域进行科研来提升我们技术价值,并发展更新的解决方法。我们的环境微生物实验室持续进行着研究和开发的工作,同时与相同理念的公司和公共研究机构合作。Biosearch Ambiente得到意大利教育部,大学,科研机构的认可,并收录于国家研究注册名单里面(自然科学和工程研究发展)




Business Registration Number 统一社会信用代码





Year of establishment 成立时间





Annual turnover 年营业额 (EUR)

0 - 1000000




Number of employees 员工人数

0 - 9




Contact person 联系人

Siccardi Dario




Phone number 电话

+39 0110150250




Address 地址

Via Tetti Gai, 59 10091 Alpignano (TO) ITALY




Zip code 邮政编码





Country 国





Website 网站


IE Expo 2018 cn, IE Expo 2018