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Labiotest Srl是一…




Full Profile (English) 完整资料(英文)

Due to its twenty years of experience, Labiotest Srl is in a position to offer a wide range of solutions for air treatment and for the control of odors, chemical contaminants and dust. Labiotest starts with a complete study of the production site and a thorough analysis of the problem before designing, realizing and testing the equipment offered. Furthermore, the company guarantees assistance and post-sale maintenance. The reduction of odorigenous emissions can be ensured in two different ways:
- starting from the very source, by determining which processes cause emissions to optimize them and allow for a significant reduction of the impact on the environment, based on a “clean technology” concept;
- at the emission level, by analyzing the chemical and physical characteristics of the effluents, in order to find what can be best, from the management point of view and that of performances, as possible technological solutions (“end of pipes technologies”).
Labiotest follows its customers at every step, from the moment the problem and criticalities as to be defined, up to the implementation of solutions until expected results can be evaluated. Labiotest knows that a good quality air is the result of careful analysis and tailor made solutions. We provided highly advanced technologies that may be built in easily. Our stronger points are our range of offers and a long experience, both factors allowing for effective actions in any condition whatsoever. Labiotest products are the result of strict experiments carried out with the help of internationally known organizations and institutions.

We would like to promote two different technologies for odour abatement i.e. osmogenic barrier using deodorizing products and high pressure systems and the dry chemical filtration through DKFil. The air filtration process is carried out by using static multiple layers and multiple reagents filtering bed ensuring an actual multiple stages dry scrubbing. The many adsorbing and/or filtering pre-activated and pre-impregnated materials offer a wide range of reactors, realized and designed right for the emissions to be treated.




Full Profile (Chinese) 完整资料(中文)

Labiotest Srl是一家提供一系列空气治理解决方案的公司,专注于臭气废气,化学和粉尘污染等治理,并有20年的相关领域经验。Labiotest通过对于生产现场的全面调查,和对问题的彻底分析,进行设备的设计,实现和测试。另外,公司承诺设备售后的支持和维护。对于废气臭气的消除我们主要有两种方式:






Business Registration Number 统一社会信用代码





Year of establishment 成立时间





Annual turnover 年营业额 (EUR)

2000000 - 5000000




Number of employees 员工人数

10 - 49




Contact person 联系人





Phone number 电话

+39 0432634449




Address 地址





Zip code 邮政编码





Country 国





Website 网站


IE Expo 2018 cn, IE Expo 2017 cn, zhejiang, CIEPEC 2017 cn, IE Expo 2018