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NUVAP Srl (2)





Full Profile (English) 完整资料(英文)

Nuvap is the first company worldwide specializing in the production of devices for simultaneously monitoring 26 pollution and environmental parameters. Nuvap has developed an hardware, software, algorithms solutions worldwide patented (PATENT TITLE: “A device and method for dynamically measuring an environmental quality factor”.- n WO2014/073010 PCT/IT2013/000068)
Nuvap wants to organize, with a simple and convenient service, the resolution of all problems discovered through its devices, in order to protect the health of people inside their homes and in their professional / industrial environments.

N1 and allNuvap® systems can be used for both discrete and continuous monitoring, alternative but equally valid approaches. Under the continuous monitoring approach, N1 will silently monitor the same set of pollution sources, withoutneeding to be reminded, and here by ensuring your safety.With its precision diagnostics, N1 may be used to locate optimal domestic environments such as a healthier position for a bed within a home or a healthier location in which to buy or rent a property.
Nx Series - A range of innovative multi-sensors device, to be deployed in indoor locations, in order to monitor 26 pollutants and enable different types of services. Data are visualised by app and by web.
Nuvap monitors:
- High frequency electromagnetic fields
- Low frequency electromagnetic fields
- Radon gas
- Ionizing radiation
- WiFi
- Carbon monoxide
- CO2
- Formldeyde
- Methane
- Smoke / fire
- H2
- Alcohol
- NH3
- Ethanol
- Toluene
- Particulate matter
- Water quality chlorine
- Hardness
- alkalinity
- pH
- Nitrite
- Nitrate
- Noise pollution
- Temperature
- Humidity

My.Nuvap - A multi-tenant web platform able to generate reports, dashboard and notifications about monitored parameters. My.Nuvap Platform can enable certified partners to manage devices, download data and design custom services.

Nuvap offers:
A monitoring solution that allows you to understand the level of harmful pollution in your living environment
A support service for solving the pollution problem
A constantly growing database of the state of domestic pollution.




Full Profile (Chinese) 完整资料(中文)

Nuvap的专业产品可同步监测26种污染与环境参数,这在全球范围内尚属首家。 Nuvap所研发的硬件、软件和算法解决方案已取得全世界专利认可(专利名称:“动态测定环境质量因素的设备与方法”,专利号WO2014/073010 PCT/IT2013/000068)

Nx系列 – 一系列创新型多传感器设备,可部署于室内以监测26种污染物并启用不同类型的服务。通过app应用和网页可以查看数据。
- 高频电磁场
- 低频电磁场
- 氡气
- 离子辐射
- 无线
- 一氧化碳(CO)
- 二氧化碳
- 甲醛
- 甲烷(CH4)
- 烟雾/起火
- 氢
- 液化气
- 酒精
- NH3氨
- 乙醇
- 甲苯
- 颗粒物
- 水质含氯量
- 硬度
- 碱性
- pH值
- 亚硝酸盐
- 硝酸盐
- 噪音污染
- 温度
- 湿度

My.Nuvap – 多用户网站平台,可生成监测参数的报告、数据表和通知。My.Nuvap平台可以让认证合作方管理设备、下载数据并设计定制服务。





Business Registration Number 统一社会信用代码





Year of establishment 成立时间





Annual turnover 年营业额 (EUR)

0 - 1000000




Number of employees 员工人数

0 - 9




Contact person 联系人

Magnarosa Marco




Phone number 电话

+39 0507373018




Address 地址

Vai Giuntini N 13 – Cascina (PI) - Cascina




Zip code 邮政编码





Country 国





Website 网站


IE Expo 2018 cn, IE Expo 2017 cn, IE Expo 2018