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SYSTEA SPA 希思迪股份公司





Full Profile (English) 完整资料(英文)

SYSTEA (SYStems TEchnology Advance) S.p.A is an Italian company with the aim to develop analytical instruments for laboratory, environmental and agro-industrial applications. The company commitment looks towards study, development, production and marketing of analytical solutions for environmental, agricultural and food/beverage fields, providing a complete start-up, management and maintenance service to the Customer. The actual products’ lines cover most of the market needs for automatic analysis of chemical compounds in water.  SYSTEA is commercially active in P.R. China from 2002 providing on-line analyzers for industrial waste water outlet and environmental monitoring control, in-situ probes to measure nutrients and other chemical compounds in surface and sea water and routine laboratory analyzers for industrial and environmental analysis of chemical compounds in any kind of water.
Our Micromac on-line analyzers are widely used in China for Waste Water Treatment Plants effluents control and for water environmental monitoring purposes; more than 60 chemical parameters are already available and NH3, COD, Total P and Total N methods are certified by CEP too.
WIZ in-situ nutrient probes are the leading products in China to measure nutrient in lakes and coastal sea water.  
SYSTEA recently launched in the market an innovative line of robotic multiparametric on-line analyzers named Easychem on-line, that would have to be best applied in drinking water control networks for Smart Cities applications and in industrial area remediation projects. A specific model for Early Warning of acute toxicity using luminescent bacteria as sensitive living organisms is available too. At IFAT and IE Expo exhibitions the new analyzer named Easychem E.coli is going to be launched too, to perform on-line unattended measurements of E.coli in drinking, groundwater and surface water, completely automating the MPN method commonly used in any laboratory worldwide.




Full Profile (Chinese) 完整资料(中文)

SYSTEA (SYStems TEchnology Advance) S.p.A 是一家专注于为实验室、环境和农工业方向,开发分析仪器的意大利公司。公司致力于研究,开发,生产和销售,为环境、农业和食品/饮料领域提供分析解决方案,为客户提供完整的启动,管理和维护服务。就水中化学物自动分析领域而言,该生产线遍布了大部分的市场需求。SYSTEA自2002年开始在中国发展,提供工业废水和环境监测的在线分析,实地钻孔来测量陆地、海水中的营养物和化学成分,通过实验室科研分析人员为其化学混合物进行工业和环境方面的分析。

Micromac在线分析仪在中国得到了广泛的应用,专为污水处理厂进行污染源的控制和水环境的监测。目前超过60多种化学参数可以被监测出来,NH3,COD,Total P和Total N方法也已通过CEP认证。


SYSTEA最近刚推出市场,是由一系列创新机器人组成的多参数在线分析仪,名为Easychem on-line (Easychem在线)分析仪,当该分析仪应用于智能城市饮用水管网,和工业园的修复项目中时便可以发挥其最大的效果。而通过使用发光细菌作为敏感生物体来进行毒性早期预警的模型也同样适用。在IFAT和IE Expo展会上,新型分析仪Easychem E.coli也即将推出,用于对饮用水,地下水和地表水中的大肠杆菌进行在线测量,使全世界的任何实验室实现MPN方法。




Business Registration Number 统一社会信用代码





Year of establishment 成立时间





Annual turnover 年营业额 (EUR)

50000000 - 75000000




Number of employees 员工人数

10 - 49




Contact person 联系人

Lin Jiamei




Phone number 电话

+39 0775776058




Address 地址

Via Fratta Rotonda Vado Largo, 2A




Zip code 邮政编码





Country 国





Website 网站


IE Expo 2016 cn, IE Expo 2018 cn, IE Expo 2017 cn, zhejiang, CIEPEC 2017 cn, IE Expo 2018