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Atzwanger SpA

Profile: Atzwanger S.p.A., located in Bolzano (Italy) with subsidiaries in Munich and Salzburg, is active in various fields of environmental protection:

  • Municipal solid waste treatment;
  • Wastewater treatment;
  • Production of renewable energy.

The company has designed and built more than 60 plants for the treatment of municipal solid waste, which use various technologies:


  • Automated waste sorting by means of screens, ballistic separators, metal separators and automated optical sorters using the NIR (Near-InfraRed) technology;
  • Anaerobic digestion with wet, dry and/or semi-dry process and production of biogas, heat and power;
  • Tunnel composting (in-vessel system) finalized to hygienization, stabilization, mass reduction and/or bio-drying;
  • Odor control by means of air scrubbers and engineered biofilters;
  • Baling and wrapping of recyclable materials.

The resources recovered from the waste include biogas, heat, power, compost, metals, paper, plastic and RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel).

The size of the plants successfully built by Atzwanger is up to 360,000 metric tons per year.

The technologies used are modular, thus the plant capacity can be extended (virtually there is no limit).

In addition to the above MBT (Mechanical & Biological Treatment) technologies, Atzwanger has built various waste-to-energy plants which generate electric power from municipal waste and are provided with a state-of-the-art air pollution control systems.

The company, which is rapidly expanding internationally and has already projects in various European countries and Japan, is interested in providing its technological systems to Chinese partners such as, public authorities, waste management companies and environmental contractors.


  • Address: Via T.A. Edison, 14 - 39100 Bolzano - Italy
  • Business: Environmental and Civil Engineering, Procurement and Construction, General Contractor
  • Web: http://www.atzwanger.net/en
  • Web2: http://www.ecomaster.it
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Tel: +390471243811
  • Fax: +390471243840

IE Expo 2016