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VeReLab - HMR - TEMA

VE.RE.LAB is an aggregation of different companies that provide consultancy, Studies, Design and Construction direction and management for water management and wastewater treatment.

The aggregation is led Eng. Cecconi, the former managing director of the Research and Study Centre of the MOSE system, the gigantic Movable Dams System that is under construction to protect Venice from the high tides.

HMR Srl, company member of the aggregation, is specialized in the design of wastewater treatment facilities, most of all for tanneries and industrial wastewater, and in the design of dams and channels.

TE.MA Snc, another company member of the aggregation, is an highly specialized company in leading projects for idrographic and geological coastal protection that also developed systems for tide monitoring and early warning systems against tsunami. Altough TE.MA is a small Organization, due to the high specialization, it is involved in many international projects for topographic, bathymetric, UAV surveys and hydrologic investigations around the World


  • Address: Venezia, Padova, Ravenna
  • Web1: http://www.hmr.it/home-en/
  • Web2: http://www.tema.ra.it/
  • Contact person: mr. Giovanni Cecconi
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Tel: +393351379177


IE Expo 2016