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Austep SpA

Keywords: production of biomethane by using waste

Company Profile

AUSTEP is an engineering company, specialized in design and construction, operating and control of:
  • Wastewater treatment and water reuse
  • Optimization of the water cycle and reduction in water consumption
  • Energy saving
  • Anaerobic digestion of organic waste and biomass for the production of electrical energy and heat
  • Soil remediation

Austep offers a highly quality service with its staff of process engineers, project managers and plant technicians including both company employees and consultants, offering a fullservice approach.
Process engineering is supported by the company's in-house R&D division, working on research and development of new technologies in co-operation with the most important European universities.
  • Year of foundation: 1995
  • Number of employees: 85
  • Annual Turnover:40,000,000.00EUR

Innovative Solution/Technology

Upgrading systems for production of BioMethane,Anaerobic Digestion for waste.
Reduce the waste and produce renewable energy.

Case Study

1. Charlotte, North Carolina USA - Quantity
=117,932 T/Y Organic Waste = 5,2 MW
Austep SpA is EPC Leader in Anaerobic Digestion Technologies, W2E and WWTP.
The USA market, in detail Charlotte area, produces high quantity of organics waste which can be used to produce electrical energy to feed 3.000 houses around Charlotte in NC.
These premises allow Austep to project a new plant which aim is to produce 5,2 MW.
This facility processes food waste from the food waste in the region using Anaerobic Digestion Technology. The biogas produced in this process is used to fuel onsite engine generator sets and electrical energy is exported to the grid.

Process technology:
  • Pretreatment involves grinding, followed by mechanical separation of contaminants to produce a pumpable slurry through n. 4 machines called TORNADO
  • The organic slurry is then fed to two complete mix, thermophilic anaerobic digesters
  • The digestate remaining from the anaerobic digestion process is separated in a liquid and solid fraction
  • The solid fraction is treated in a dryer
  • The liquid fraction will be treated onsite at a wastewater treatment plant and evaporator system, before being released to the aquifer
  • Odors are captured and treated by biofilters, along with carbon filtration
  • All buildings are operated under negative pressure, and all loading and unloading occurs indoors
  • Facility control, monitoring, and performance tracking is accomplished via a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system

Type of Collaboration

Export, Licensing, JointVenture.


Add: Via Mecenate,76,Milano
Postal Code: 20138
Contact person: Simone Testa
Tel: +3905351876090/ +393463771910
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.austep.com

IE Expo 2017;, CIEPEC 2017