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BTS Biogas Srl

Keywords: Production of biogas power equipment

Company Profile

BTS Biogas is the largest provider of biogas plants in Italy and is a pioneer in this sector. The core expertise of the company is in planning, production, and constructing the plants.
A qualified team of biologists, technicians and other specialists offers service, consultation and biological support for biogas power plants from 25kW to 1.5MW+ modules.
The company applies innovative technologies to produce safe, high-quality products that fascinate and excite its customers. Through the proven technology of the BIOaccelerator, the fermentation is accelerated and the methane yield is significantly increased, whereby existing plants are overhauled and optimized in a very short time through a "re-powering".
  • Year of foundation: 2007
  • Number of employees: 100
  • Annual Turnover: 30 Million EUR

Innovative Solution/Technology

The technical and biological know how and the extensive experience in the management of biogas power plants has led to the development of countless products and solutions that have become part of the standards of our plants. We are referring here to the systems for plant production, management and control, the pre and post treatments of the substrates and technologies for biomethane production.

Case Study

BTS Biogas is a pioneer in the biogas sector and one of the most prolific builders of plants in Europe, with almost 200 installed biogas power plants worldwide and a total capacity of 150 MWel.
The “Waste to Power” pre-treatment solution is designed to handle both packaged and loose organic wastes, including liquids, and can be viably installed on BTS biogas plants ranging from 500kW to over 1.5MW+. This flexibility now avoids perishable organic feedstocks from being transported considerable distances to centralised AD hubs and enabling this valuable commodity to be effectively treated at decentralised locations at a more appropriate and sustainable scale effectively reducing the operators’ Carbon Footprint.
“Organics” arising from the following sources can be used as feedstock material:
  • Kerbside collected municipal household wastes,
  • Commercial and industrial wastes
  • wastes from food production sector activities
  • wastes from the hospitality sector
  • wastes from the retail sector
  • wastes from the Public sector

Pre-treatment by our “Waste to Power” hammer mill BIOseparatorw process guarantees an extremely high quality of organics and packaging/inerts separation; Achieving optimum efficiency reducing the inert fraction in BTS AD plants means that the operational costs and downtime are minimised.
  • Start Up: 2016
  • Type of Raw Material: 100% organic waste and industrial food processing leftovers
    • 40,000-60,000 t/y liquid food waste
    • 10,000-20,000 t/y solid food waste
    • 10,000 - 20,000 t/y green waste
  • Utilization of Biogas:
    • Production of Electricity
    • Upgrading for Gas Greed Injection
  • Plant Size: 500 kWe - 7,538,000 Sm3/y Biogas
  • Heat Utilization: Fermenters heating, Upgrading unit, Pastorization
  • Utilization of Digestate: Production of 50,000 t/a di Pastorized Liquid

Type of Collaboration

Export, Joint Venture, Partnership


Add: Via S. Lorenzo, 34, Brunico
Postal Code: 39031
Contact person: Roberto Salmaso
Tel: +390474370119/ +393405851612
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.bts-biogas.com

IE Expo 2017;