Venice Tianjin Cooperation, Environmental Restoration: Proposal for a full round cooperation
24 giugno 2021
Si è tenuto oggi il Web meeting organizzato nell'ambito del Venice Tianjin Technology and Innovation Cooperation Platform, con l'obiettivo di promuovere una cooperazione a tutto tondo nell'ambito del risanamento ambientale.
Questa l'agenda dell'incontro:
14:30 CST - 8:30 CET
Mr. Simone Padoan, coordinator in Italy of VTTICP and secretary general of EEGEX (greetings and introduction to the purpose of the meeting)
14:45 CST - 8:45 CET
Representative of TTIC (greetings)
14:50 CST - 8:50 CET
Representative of Hebei High & New Tech Park (greetings)
14:55 CST - 8:55 CET
Ms. Silvia Paparella, CEO of Remtech Expo – Ferrara Fiere (Remtech Expo as European HUB for Government and Market in soil remediation, environmental restoration and environmental risk management)
15:20 CST – 9:20 CET
Ms. Valeria Ancona, researcher at CNR - National Research Council
15:25 CST - 9:25 CET
Mr. Marco Falconi, scientific coordinator of Remtech Europe and top researcher for soil remediation of ISPRA - The Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
(framework for a comprehensive cooperation between Italy and Tianjin in environmental restoration of contaminated sites)
15:50 CST - 9.50 CET
Prof. Antonio Marcomini, Vice Rector and full professor of Environmental Chemistry at the University Ca' Foscari of Venice.
(cooperation in advanced training and masters’ degree in "Sustainable environmental restoration and remediation of contaminated sites")